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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. Notes from China: Beijing Basics: An Orientation primer

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Beijing Basics: An Orientation primer

I've spent all morning in an "orientation" to Beijing and to the new organization to which we now belong. Aaaarrrggh! Since when is Watson's the only trustworthy bottled water to drink via dispensers? Since when are people not instructed about Chinese procedures when involved in traffic accidents?

First and foremost, if you haven't caught on from reading this blog, Beijing is a truly remarkable place to live. It's a unique time in history in China, similar to the 1920s in the United States, when hundreds of thousands of farmers are leaving their traditional farmlands and moving to larger cities to find new work in construction or factories. It's a vibrant, ever-changing place.

It's not to say that life is not difficult if you don't speak Mandarin. It's not to say the weather and pollution can't be abysmal in Beijing. But still.....

What you should be told is to explore, explore, explore!!!

My basic "tools" for newcomers to Beijing:

1) Have a copy of the current Insider's Guide to Beijing (published by Immersion Guides). This is the Bible, the Yellow Pages, the most complete guide to EVERYTHING one might wish to know: restaurants, housing, spas, schools, sports teams, clubs, shops, etc. (Yes, I know it's not truly complete, but it gets pretty close!)

2) Have one set of Beijing by Foot cards by Eric Abrahamsen (also Immersion Guides). Learn about Beijing through useful and amusing and educational map cards depicting short walks through different parts of Beijing's neighborhoods and the interesting and/or historical sites, current or former, that exist along that route.

3) Fill blank business card holders, purchased at stationary stores, department stores, Carrefours, Au Chan, etc. Grab 2-3 business cards from everywhere you go; make notes on the back and keep them so you can return and to share with a friend. Everyone and everyplace has them. Create your own personal yellow pages this way.

4) Grab expat magazines. Monthlies The Beijinger and Time Out Beijing and bi-monthly City Weekend are all geared to helping you get to know China and, more specifically, Beijing, with current reviews and discoveries and places and people and events to know. Each also has its own website: www.TheBeijinger.com;
www.cityweekend.com.cn/beijing/ ; www.timeout.com/cn/en/beijing/.

5) Join chats on these websites or at the BeijingCafe, a Yahoo group. (You must be invited by someone for the latter.) Ask a question and someone will have an answer.

6) Visit the International Newcomers Network (INN). Monthly meetings are designed to help newcomers adjust to life in Beijing with topics like medicine, what are those veggies in the market? and traveling around China. Website: www.innbeijing.org

7) Enjoy the talks and events put on by the Beijing International Society (BIS). See website: www.beijinginternationalsociety.com.

8) If you've kids in school, volunteer there. Most of the international schools wish to expose not only their students, but their larger school "family" to various aspects of Chinese culture and will have events you should check out. You'll make friends. :)

9) If you are new to the language, sign up for a beginner's class with a small number of students (about 5). Linguistically, it's helpful to hear not only your teacher's Mandarin, but others' as well, so your ear can have more "input" and process what sounds good/right, what doesn't, etc. You'll make friends and, hopefully, support each other in your studies.

Finally, BE OPEN TO EXPERIENCES! Yes, we all go through culture shock, but Beijing is relatively safe when compared to much of the rest of the entire world, and if you are logical and courteous and have the attitude that you might learn something new, you'll have a great adventure.

Good luck, and welcome!!

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