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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. Notes from China: Beautiful Boracay

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beautiful Boracay

Sorry, folks, but travel and family commitments explain the lack of new blogs. However, life goes on and so do blogs!

At the beginning of April our family flew to the paradise known as Boracay in the Philippines, known in various sources as one of the best tropical beaches in the world. (See http://www.besttropicalislandsintheworld.com/boracay/boracay-geography if you don't believe me.) In the western Visayas island group, it’s a slim slice of island with gorgeous beaches, fertile coral reefs and a laid-back lifestyle. Want luxurious quiet? It has it. Want funky beach living? That too. Local life? Tourist traps? Multi-cultural cuisine? Check, check, check.

The necessary connections to get there are many; a flight to Manila, another smaller domestic flight to Catalan Airport, a short walk or ride to the boat terminal, a smaller ferry ride across the water, a tuk-tuk ride to your domicile and Viola! - Sunset over the ocean with cool drinks in hand and a warm breeze on your skin.

My husband and kids took a 3-day PADI scuba course for basic deep water scuba diving; I snorkeled and explored the island. Together we ate well and took sunset catamaran cruises. The pictures here and posted in the slideshow speak for themselves. Ahhhhhhhhhh...... Paradise.

(Bulobag Beach, the main kitesurfing and windsurfing beach)

(sunset catamaran cruises - a perfect way to end the day)

(off the beaten track, discovering the island on foot)

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