Here's how to follow our route for a picturesque 2-hour ride.
From the Western Academy of Beijing/WAB (京西学小), turn left onto Lai Guang Ying Rd. (来广营路) and at the next light, turn right onto Guan Tang Road (观堂路 ). Go past Cathay View/Guan Tang and at the T-intersection, turn right onto XiangJiang Bei Road (香江北路 ). At the next left, turn left, go through the gate, and pass through Ma Quan Ying (马泉营 ) village. You will go through another gate as you approach another T-intersection at Shun Bai Rd. (顺百路)。 Turn right onto this road, and take the next left, which passes under the new highway link to the airport. You will pass by fields of grapes (on your right) and garden center/trees & grass (on your left) until you come to another T-intersection at Shun Huang Rd. ( 顺黄路 ) . Here you will see opposite you a dirt&gravel road. Cross the street and take this road to the river. Here's what that last intersection looks like:
You'll ride along the bumpy road until you reach the river.
There will be a riding stable there, and you will turn left,
passing this fishing hole with pretty landing on your left:

Immediately you will find a path on your right which leads in a reverse-L around a low brick complex. On the other

Climb the hill, and you are now on what I call the "river road"; I can't recall its Chinese name. If you turn right you will end up at Jingshun Road ( 京顺路 ), but you want to turn left and follow the road all the way to a busy T-intersection where you will meet Hou Sha Rd (火沙路 ). There you will turn right and head north to the Luo Ma Circle ( 罗马环岛). In the southwest corner of the circle is a beautiful tree-lined field of flowers, complete with fairy princess getting ready for her wedding!
If you think of enter
We made a small change in our return. After heading south again from the Luo Ma Circle, instead of going to the river road, we made a left at the first light and ended up on the road which ISB and Dragon Bay Villas, Yosemite, etc. are on. (Which explains our lunch at Zata'ar!) From there we headed south to meet up with the river road and retraced our steps; we could have easily continued to Jing Shun Rd. 京顺路 and headed south from there.
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